Gosh Golly Games!

Do you want to play a card game with your friends over the Internet? Of course you do! You came to the right place.

You bring: your friends, your rules, and your chat.

Gosh Golly Games provides the table, the cards, multiplayer, and no sign up needed.

How to Play

  1. Click one of the bold links below to start a new game.
  2. A unique table # will be added to the URL of the page.
  3. Send that full URL to your friends (via Discord, email, SMS, etc.) - No signup or account needed.
  4. When they click the link, they will join the same table as you, and you can play together.


Important Notes

The game is not saved on the server, so if all of the players leave the page, then the game is lost. As long as at least one player stays in the game, then the game is safe. You can use Ctrl-S and Ctrl-O to save and load the game to a file on your computer if you want to stop playing and come back later.

There is no match-making or in-game chat, so you will need to connect with your friends some other way to talk as you play. If you are already on Discord or something similar then you're all set. I also recommend the free video chat service Jitsi which works in-browser or mobile with no account or signup needed.

This software was made by one person, as a hobby, so please be understanding of bugs or missing features.

I hope you enjoy playing card games on this web site 😁